Search results (documents)

Highway 17

Jones, Marianne (1997).  Highway 17 . : Eden II Press, p. 34

History. Essays. Advancing The Public Domain

Holubizky, Ihor (2008).  History. Essays. Advancing The Public Domain. <>Toronto Sculpture Garden

History. Essays. Sculpture In The Garden: Sanctuary Or Exile?

Fischer, Barbara (2008).  History. Essays. Sculpture In The Garden: Sanctuary Or Exile?. <> : Toronto Sculpture Garden

Hommage à Louis J. Robichaud : Saint-Antoine dévoile la maquette

Richard, Philippe (2006).  Hommage à Louis J. Robichaud : Saint-Antoine dévoile la maquette. Acadie Nouvelle. (11 avril)

Hope springs from tragedy

Carrol, Frank (1998).  Hope springs from tragedy. Times & Transcript. (December 5), p. A3

Housing Around

Bristol, Joanne (2000).  Housing Around. Border Crossings. vol. 19, no. 3, p. 85-86

Ian Sandler

Artstage (2006).  Ian Sandler. <> : ARTSTAGE

Ideas of Good and Evil

Moore, Marianne (1924).  Ideas of Good and Evil. Observations. New York : The Dial Press, p. 31-32

If public art is the measure of society's greatness what does Montreal's new art suggest about our city ?

Lehmann, Henry (1992).  If public art is the measure of society's greatness what does Montreal's new art suggest about our city ?. The Gazette. (July 4), p. 1-2

Il faut cultiver notre jardin…

Daigneault, Gilles (2005).  Il faut cultiver notre jardin…. Espace. no. 71 (Printemps-Spring) , p. 40-42

Il n'y a plus de chemin

Brault, Jacques (1990).  Il n'y a plus de chemin. Montréal : Éditions du Noroît / Table rase, p. 67

In Control

Buj, Lorenzo (1991).  In Control. Windsor : Artcite, p. 30

In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario

Cronin, Ray (1991).  In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario. Fuse Magazine . vol. 15, no. 1/2, p. 56

In the name of art work

Fox, Linda A. (1996).  In the name of art work. The Toronto Sun. (June 16), p. S5