Search results (documents)

CAFKA. 03: Probing into the distance

Eichhorn, Virginia, Ernest(éd) Daetwyler (2003).  CAFKA. 03: Probing into the distance. Kitchener : CAFKA Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area, p. 86


CAFKA (2008).  CAFKA.05. <>, p. CAFKA Contemporary Art Forum

CANADA. Gilbert Boyer. Toronto Sculpture Garden, Toronto

Grande, John K. (1993).  CANADA. Gilbert Boyer. Toronto Sculpture Garden, Toronto. International Sculpture . January-February

Cark Skelton

Artstage (2008).  Cark Skelton. <> : ARTSTAGE

Carl Skelton : Will Is Was

Hunter, Andrew, Thomas McEvilley, Jessica Wyman (2002).  Carl Skelton : Will Is Was. Hamilton : Art Gallery of Hamilton

Causeries et Discussions sur l’art : Entre artistes/Artists’ presentations and discussions : Artist-to-Artis

Busby, Cathy (2003).  Causeries et Discussions sur l’art : Entre artistes/Artists’ presentations and discussions : Artist-to-Artis. Ottawa : Galerie d’art d’Ottawa

Cent Jours, Visions 91: Centre International d'Art Contemporain, Montreal

Hixson, Kathryn (1991).  Cent Jours, Visions 91: Centre International d'Art Contemporain, Montreal. New Art Examiner. vol. 19, p. 31-32

Centrepointe Theatre Expansion

Ville/City, Ottawa (2011).  Centrepointe Theatre Expansion. <> : City of Ottawa

Chair et mues

Quine, Dany (2002).  Chair et mues. Le Soleil. (23 février), p. C14

Chantier On Site

[Anonymous] (1993).  Chantier On Site. Espace. no. 23 (Printemps-Spring) , p. 52-53

Charlottetown Dedicates New Service Memorial Fountain

Veterans_Affairs (2005).  Charlottetown Dedicates New Service Memorial Fountain. <> : Veterans Affairs / Anciens Combattants Canada

Chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges

Atelier_Urban (2009).  Chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges. <> : Atelier Urban Soland à Montréal: Design urbain

Christos Dikeakos, Noel Best : Lookout

Brayshaw, Christopher (2001).  Christos Dikeakos, Noel Best : Lookout. vol. 79Vancouver : Christos Dikeakos