Œuvre d'art public


Bill Vincent, Convergences, 2005
Bill Vincent, Convergences, 2005
Bibliothèque de Charlesbourg, 7950 1re avenue, Charlesbourg, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Vincent, Bill (William)
Text author(s): 
Vincent, Bill (William)
Installation year: 
The artwork is located at the apex of the library's main traffic area. It reveals a dandelion head on which was superimposed a reconstituted map of old Charlesbourg in different eras.
The number 21 (for 21 degrees) is the extension of a blue neon line and indicates the cutting angle of the original subdivision's institutional core.
Text theme: 
Links territorial and plant morphologies as a metaphor for life and knowledge as they sow, take root and grow in a given place, in a given spirit
Artwork theme: 
The cumulative traces of human activity stamped on Charlesbourg's urban landscape. The plant-life theme recalls the greenery on the roof and the flight of the dandelion seeds in all directions expresses the dissemination of knowledge, an appropriate symbol for an intellectual and cultural source such as the Charlesbourg library.


Croft Pelletier architectes

Intégration des arts à l'architecture et à l'environnement. Bilan 2004-2007

MCCCQ (2008).  Intégration des arts à l'architecture et à l'environnement. Bilan 2004-2007. : Gouvernement du Québec

Le pissenlit géant de Bill Vincent

Tremblay, Régis (2008).  Le pissenlit géant de Bill Vincent. Le Soleil. (6 juillet)