Œuvre d'art public


Jean-Pierre Morin, Origines, 1998
Centre hospitalier de Saint-Joseph de la Malbaie, 303 rue Saint-Étienne, La Malbaie, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Morin, Jean-Pierre
Text author(s): 
Morin, Jean-Pierre
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

The artwork is located on the bridge to the entrance.


Two sculptures indicate the entrance way to the hospital's day center. They are installed asymmetrically on the railings of the bridge connecting the street to the building's main entrance. Each of them is assembled from a dozen small, four-sided cones. Drawings inspired from nature and a descriptive word are engraved at their base.

Text of the artwork: 

Graine, Pomme, Arbre, Lune, Soleil

Centre hospitalier de Saint-Joseph de la Malbaie
Groupe Lapointe Voyer et cie

L’intégration des arts à l’architecture et à l’environnement. Bilan 1997-1998

MCCCQ (1999).  L’intégration des arts à l’architecture et à l’environnement. Bilan 1997-1998. Québec : Gouvernement du Québec