Œuvre d'art public


Dada diffusion, Mozus, 2008
Dada diffusion, Mozus, 2008
Parc de la Paix, St-Laurent Boulevard, Montréal, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Dada diffusion
Text author(s): 
The public
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Between René-Lévesque and St. Catherine, in front of the Monument-National.


Inspired by board games and word games, such as Scrabble, the artwork invited the public to take an active part in the display. The public was invited to play by placing letters on a grid to form words in French or in English. This artwork was designed by artist Marie Sylvestre. Using stencils, the artist created a bestiary inspired by fairy tales, fables and fictions.

Artwork theme: 
Outdoor fun, learning, sharing and playing with art and words

Mozus goes beyond traditional public art by inviting active public participation, bringing art to visitors in a playful way, encouraging them to interact with it as well as inspiring creativity in them through words.

August 15-October 17, 2008


The Mozus team included artists-members of the MAM: Marianne Chevalier, Geneviève Juillet, Alicia Legault Verdier, Maggie D. Lépine, Éloïse Marchand-Duschesneau, Janelle Mellamphy, Julie-Soleil Nadeau et Marie Sylvestre.


Le maire Labonté inaugure le Mozus

Gassendie, Jocelyn (2008).  Le maire Labonté inaugure le Mozus. 24 heures. (21 août)

Mozus au Parc de la Paix!

Joanny-Furtin, Michel (2008).  Mozus au Parc de la Paix!. Le Ville-Marie. (22 août)

Mozus. De l'art public au parc de la Paix

Joanny-Furtin, Michel (2008).  Mozus. De l'art public au parc de la Paix. Le Ville-Marie. (29 août), p. 9-10