Œuvre d'art public

L'arbre de la connaissance

Lisette Lemieux, L'arbre de la connaissance, 2005
Lisette Lemieux, L'arbre de la connaissance, 2005
Hôpital Saint-François d'Assise, 10 rue de l’Espinay, Québec, QC, G1L 3L5, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Lemieux, Lisette
Text author(s): 
Lemieux, Lisette
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Windows in the waiting room of the emergency


Built around the presence of an architectural element embedded in the middle of a series of windows, the artwork represents the deployment of a tree. The tree spreads out horizontally into seven sections that occupy the upper windows. Two sheets of glass enclose letter-shaped cookie cutters that are distributed randomly.

Text of the artwork: 


Text theme: 
Artwork theme: 
Roots, vertical positioning, the blossoming of the upper part, but also memory and traces of passing time.
City of Québec
Galienne, Moisan/Ramoisy, Tremblay (architects)

Intégration des arts à l'architecture et à l'environnement. Bilan 2004-2007

MCCCQ (2008).  Intégration des arts à l'architecture et à l'environnement. Bilan 2004-2007. : Gouvernement du Québec