Œuvre d'art public

The River

Blake Williams, The River, 2005
Blake Williams, The River, 2005
Blake Williams, The River, 2005
Thompson Community Centre, 5151 Granville Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Williams, Blake
Text author(s): 
Williams, Blake
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Located just outside the entryway


The River is bench, it's a place to meet and it tells stories of the life-stream of Richmond. Through a sprinkling of text and photographs it paints a picture of the geographical origins of the Fraser and it tells tales of early pioneers, development of the city, ethnic changes and the struggle for sustainability. It is located just outside the entryway to the Thompson Community Centre.

A concrete form clad in ceramic tile and glass mosaic with acid etched or polished coloured concrete surfaces.  The form represents the middle arm of the Fraser River plus the Fraser River as a whole, its winding route through the province that culminates with its path through Richmond. This form sits on a base of exposed aggregate. Some of the existing large rocks and boulders were retained and in these areas plants that reference the original design were planted.

Text theme: 
History, traditional Native use and geographical origins of the Fraser river; tales of early pioneers, development of the city, ethnic changes; industry and sustainable development; myth; recreation; pollution; fishing and sustainability.
Artwork theme: 

History of the Fraser river


The community artwork was sponsored by the Thompson Community Association and the City of Richmond.  


0.45 m

Public Art : The River

Williams, Blake (2009).  Public Art : The River. <http://www.blakewilliams.ca/Public_art.html> : Blake Williams webpage

Public Art Locations. Thompson Community Centre

Richmond (2009).  Public Art Locations. Thompson Community Centre. <http://www.richmond.ca/culture/publicart/program.htm> : City of Richmond