Œuvre d'art public

Monument au poète inconnu

Érik Koch, Monument au poète inconnu,1994
Place-de-l’Hôtel de Ville, 1325 place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 5H3, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Koch, Érik (design)
Text author(s): 
Koch, Érik (design)
Atelier Silex de Trois-Rivières (production)
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

The artwork is installed at Place Alphonse-Piché, between J.-Antonio Thompson Hall and the Trois-Rivières City Hall, facingrue des Volontaires.


The artwork consists of a granite monolith anchored to the ground and of a metal structure. This structure, which is attached to the top of the monolith, is composed of seven cubic frames. The cubes are arranged to form two letters "X" nestled one into the other, so as to form a hyper-cube. Two polished granite slabs, each bearing an inscription, are attached to the front and rear of the monolith. The work illustrates a reflection on the poetic approach. The plaque affixed to the rear side of the monolith celebrates the poet Alphonse Piché (1917-1998), who studied at the Séminaire de Trois-Rivières.

Text theme: 
Poet Alphonse Piché
Artwork theme: 

The work illustrates a reflection on the poetic process


The work was unveiled on September 21, 1994, the year of the 10th anniversary of the Festival international de la poésie de Trois-Rivières and the 360th anniversary of the city of Trois-Rivières.

Event : Festival international de la poésie de Trois-Rivières


0.76 m

The following text is engraved on the granite plaque affixed to the front side of the monolith:

Au poète inconnu 
premier monument au monde 
qui rend hommage au poète inconnu 
10e Festival International de la Poésie 
360e anniversaire de Trois-Rivières 
le 21 septembre 1994 
[drapeau du Canada] Développement des 
ressources humaines Canada 
Human Resources 
Development Canada 
erik koch


Festival international de la poésie

Trois-Rivières (2007).  Festival international de la poésie. <http://www.fiptr.com/> : Historique du Festival International de la Poésie à Trois-Rivières

Elles nous encerclent : l’art public trifluvien 2006

Trois-Rivières (2006).  Elles nous encerclent : l’art public trifluvien 2006. <http://www.culture.v3r.net/doc_uploads/v3r/culture/documents/expositions-et-art-public/Brochure-Art-public.pdf>Trois-Rivières : Corporation de développement culturel de Trois-Rivière