Œuvre d'art public

Them Us Now

Deeter Hastenteufel, Them Us Now, 2000
The Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Hastenteufel, Deeter
Text author(s): 
Hastenteufel, Deeter
Installation year: 

This artwork consists of three parts: a pile of stones, a pyramid and a boat made of wooden sticks. The words "Us" is located inside the pyramid, "Now" appears on a bed of rocks at the bottom of the boat.

Text of the artwork: 

Us ___ Now

Text theme: 
Cultural identity
Artwork theme: 
First Nation, generational legacy, fate, time, rite of passage.
The Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, ON.
Event date(s): 

The Tree Museum. The Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28, 2007. What Is Place

Jurakic, Ivan, McElroy Gil, Margaret Rodgers (2008).  The Tree Museum. The Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28, 2007. What Is Place. Gravenhurst : The Tree Museum, p. 39

The Tree Museum 2000. Site specific installations 24 October to October 30, 2000

al. Lightman E. J. (2000).  The Tree Museum 2000. Site specific installations 24 October to October 30, 2000. Gravenhurst : The Tree Museum