Search results (documents)

Forêt-frontière. Une action art/nature

Fabb, Jeane, Lorraine Gilbert, Daniel Poulin (2001).  Forêt-frontière. Une action art/nature. L’Annonciation : Boréal Art/Nature, p. 69

Foreword. Simon Frank, Ivan Jurakic, Tor Lukasic Foss. September 26-November 30, 2004. The Grimsby Public Art Gallery

Kilgour, Laurie (2004).  Foreword. Simon Frank, Ivan Jurakic, Tor Lukasic Foss. September 26-November 30, 2004. The Grimsby Public Art Gallery. Grimsby : Grimsby Public Art Gallery

Francine Larivée : Le jardin (The Secret Garden)

Morasse, Anne (2000).  Francine Larivée : Le jardin (The Secret Garden). Espace. no. 53 (Automne) , p. 9-11

Françoise Sullivan

Jacques, Francine (1998).  Françoise Sullivan. Espace. no. 44 (Été-Summer) , p. 42

Future Cities

Hastings, Sacha (2004).  Future Cities. Canadian Art. vol. 21, no. 4, p. 89

Future Cities. Locations

ArtGallery_of_Hamilton, McMaster_University (2008).  Future Cities. Locations. <> : Future Cities and Virtual Cities Project


Jacob, Luis (2005).  Gallery-Flashlight. Idea&s . vol. 2, no. 2

Gallery. Writing On the Wall. Michael Topping. The House Project

[Anonymous] (2006).  Gallery. Writing On the Wall. Michael Topping. The House Project. Locus Suspectus. no. 2

Gardens for the People : Gilbert Boyer and The Urban Paradise

Angeline, John (1996).  Gardens for the People : Gilbert Boyer and The Urban Paradise. Journal of Garden History : Angeline. , p. 298-309

Garry Neill Kennedy's Superstardow project

Dykhuis, Peter (2008).  Garry Neill Kennedy's Superstardow project. Border Crossings. vol. 28, no. 2, p. 48-55

General Idea : Multiples. Catalogue Raisonné. Multiples and Prints 1967-1993

General_Idea (1993).  General Idea : Multiples. Catalogue Raisonné. Multiples and Prints 1967-1993. Toronto : S-L Simpson Gallery , p. 162

General Idea editions 1967-1995

Fischer, Barbara (2003).  General Idea editions 1967-1995. Toronto : Blackwood Gallery, p. 311

General Idea. The AIDS Project

Schwartzman, Allan (1989).  General Idea. The AIDS Project. Toronto : The Gershon Iskowitz Foundation, p. 15