Public Artwork

Apparaître/disparaître : LES MOTS

Julie Faubert, Apparaître/disparaître : LES MOTS, 2009
Julie Faubert, Apparaître/disparaître : LES MOTS, 2009
Julie Faubert, Apparaître/disparaître : LES MOTS, 2009
Julie Faubert, Apparaître/disparaître : LES MOTS, 2009
Centre Dare-Dare, Corner of Dufresne and Larivière streets, Montréal, QC, H2L 4K3, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Faubert, Julie
Text author(s): 
Faubert, Julie
Installation year: 

Art intervention with light. Words with the dates on which they appeared or disappeared from the dictionary are mounted onto people. Words in red have been lost; words in blue were new additions to the dictionary.

Text of the artwork: 

Biophilie (1919)

Assurance-vie (2001)

Suralimenté (1990)

Aérivore (1948)

Inuktitut (1994)

Désaveugler (1959)

Cash (1959) Fric (1952)  Pognon (1952)

Bancocratie (1919)

Orgasme (1959)

Culpabiliser (1972)

Conformisme (1959)

Esthétiser (1990)

Text theme: 
A critical look at words that allow us to think (or not), words that we do not mistreat quite enough as well as words that, to be truly accurate, should also be constantly invented.
Artwork theme: 

The project uses city space as a space for collective thinking about words we use.


This artistic intervention had two components:

Intervention #1: December 3, 2009

Intervention #2: May 2010


Entre les murs des galeries

Delgado, Jérôme (2010).  Entre les murs des galeries. Le Devoir. (16 janvier), p. E11