Public Artwork

Bus Power Series

Adrian Göllner, Bus Power Series, 2002
Adrian Göllner, Bus Power Series, 2002
Adrian Göllner, Bus Power Series, 2002
Kitchener, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Text author(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Poster on a bus


Posters produced for the ad-slots in the buses of the local transit system.

Text of the artwork: 



"As a way of introducing the theme of this year's forum, Power to the People, to the people of Kitchener, Ontario, I was asked to create a work for the ad-slots inside the buses of the local transit system. The result was three ad-like images that allude to the seduction of power." CAFKA (Contemporary Art Forum - Kitchener), 2002, ran from September 21-29, 2002.


Source: Adrian Göllner Web site (2008). Power Series