Public Artwork

Inhabited by a spirit...

Michael Fernandes, Inhabited by a spirit...., 1991
Michael Fernandes, Inhabited by a spirit...., 1991
Jefferson Boulevard (East side), Windsor, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Fernandes, Michael
Text author(s): 
Fernandes, Michael
Installation year: 

Photographic image on a billboard

Text of the artwork: 

Inhabited by a spirit --- worshipped by Savages


other text present (identification function) on the panel's artwork


In Control, billboard project by artists, organized by ARTCITE, Windsor, ON. Commissioner: Lorenzo Buj.
Event date(s): 

"It is not one of the countless hands that litter Western cultural imaginary: the hands of Lascaux; the hand of languid Adam high in heaven's rare air; the hand that conceal the genitals of an aboriginal couple in a mythological garden, etc. But it shares their air. It is full of grace and fair regard, like Adam's once, and possessed by a puissance old; Inhabited by a spirit. A phrase that reaches for a submerged semantic parallel with another text positioned to the right of the upraised, instrumental, phallic thumb, symbol and working digit of man's nearness and distance from other primates (term also used pontifically, religiously): worshipped by savages."

--Lorenzo Buj, from the catalogue essay to IN CONTROL


In Control

Buj, Lorenzo (1991).  In Control. Windsor : Artcite, p. 30

In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario

Cronin, Ray (1991).  In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario. Fuse Magazine . vol. 15, no. 1/2, p. 56

Sites of New Tradition: Temporary Public Art in Windsor

Cronin, Ray (1992).  Sites of New Tradition: Temporary Public Art in Windsor. Parallélogramme. vol. 17, no. 3, p. 40-47

Billboard. Art on the Road. A Retrospective Exhibition of Artists' Billboard of the Last 30 Years

Heon, Laura Stewart, Peggy Diggs, Dorin Lisa (1999).  Billboard. Art on the Road. A Retrospective Exhibition of Artists' Billboard of the Last 30 Years. Cambridge : MIT Press; North Adams, p. 106