Public Artwork

Le ciel et la terre

Agnès Riverin, Le ciel et la terre, 2003
Agnès Riverin, Le ciel et la terre, 2003
Bibliothèque de Saint-Anselme, Laurent Caron , 60 chemin St-Marc, Saint-Anselme, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Riverin, Agnès
Text author(s): 
Riverin, Agnès
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 
In the main entrance
The artwork is divided into three parts. At the entrance, a short poem tells us that writing is the main attraction of the library. On another wall, there is a tondo and the sihouette of a windbreak.
Text of the artwork: 

le ciel et la terre

les mains et le coeur


Text theme: 
Heaven and earth speak of the climate, of the soil accepting seeds; the hands and the heart express that work and family are at the heart of all this agriculture; and together, concludes the poem, is how it happens, through cooperation and solidarity combined with the generosity of nature
Artwork theme: 
Village history, its geography and its economic activities from the manufacturing, commercial and agricultural sectors. Agriculture depends on the meteorological. Natural cycles and human activities intersect
Located in the old Marguerite D'Youville school, this library is for people of all ages. The artist was asked to make a work referring to the population and to library use.
Bibliothèque de Saint-Anselme, Laurent Caron