Public Artwork

Marked Like Some Pages in a Book

Devora Neumark, Marked Like Some Pages in a Book, 1997. © Marie-Orphée Duval
Public librairies, bookstores and private residences, Montréal, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Neumark, Devora
Text author(s): 
Neumark, Devora
Installation year: 

The artist inserted 10,000 bookmarks in various books where the text captured her attention. They were distributed randomly, in public and private libraries, bookstores, etc.. The intervention was initiated in 1997 and continued until the artist had dispersed the 10,000 copies of the bookmark. If they were not removed by a user, the bookmarks could continue to be inserted between the pages of other books for several years to come. A photograph of hands peeling beets appeared on the front of the bookmark and, on the back, a photograph of a building engulfed in flames. The building is one that the artist lived in before it was destroyed by arson. The image of the beet is a visual quote from a 1996 performance by the artist, entitled S (us) taining.

Artwork theme: 



The artist also distributed bookmarks at conferences.


Enigmes, offrandes, virus : formes furtives dans quelques pratiques actuelles/Enigmas, Offerings, Virus : Furtive Forms in Some Current Practices

Loubier, Patrice (2001).  Enigmes, offrandes, virus : formes furtives dans quelques pratiques actuelles/Enigmas, Offerings, Virus : Furtive Forms in Some Current Practices. Parachute. vol.2, no. 101 (Janvier-Mars) , p. 99-105

Un art public inostensible

Loubier, Patrice (2003).  Un art public inostensible. Espace. no. 65 (Automne - Fall) , p. 27-30