Public Artwork

Me voici terre magnifique

Normand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Normand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude Langevin
École du Petit-Chapiteau, 4890 Carleton Avenue, Montréal, QC, H3W 1G6, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Text author(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Sculptural installation consisting of nine wall ornaments decorating the walls of a stairwell. A circular panel is placed on a wall pierced with nine small square windows. Above the first row of windows, the sentence "Me voici terre magnifique je suis une nouvelle planète" is painted in pale grey letters. Eight other rectangular panels are arranged in equal numbers on either side of the stairwell. Six panels are made of dark granite and marble plates. These are installed vertically or diagonally. Two other smaller panels are arranged horizontally.

Text of the artwork: 

Me voici terre magnifique je suis une nouvelle planète

Text theme: 
Sentence used to remember the names of the planets of our solar system
Artwork theme: 
Solar System
Commission scolaire de Montréal; École du Petit-Chapiteau