Public Artwork

Mille visages

At the corner of Laurier and Sainte-Dominique, Montréal, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Cornellier, Marie
Text author(s): 
Cornellier, Marie
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Parc St-Michel, on the corner of Laurier and St-Dominique. More precisely, on the Western façade of the building located at 95 Laurier Avenue.


Painted mural on a concrete wall featuring two birds on each side of a central text. The writing varies in size. The sentence "CE SONT CES MARIAGES" is written in bigger letters than the rest.

Text of the artwork: 

Ils sont bien différents Pourtant ils se ressemblent Ce qui les unit CE SONT CES MARIAGES Tumultueuses alternances Entre leurs ombres et lumière Et ce, jusqu'à l'ultime ressemblance

The mural was developed following an initiative of the Police de la communauté urbaine de Montréal in association with Éco-quartier Mille-End in August 1996.