Public Artwork

Robert Burns Memorial

William Grant Stevenson, Robert Burns Memorial, 1906
William Grant Stevenson, Robert Burns Memorial, 1906
William Grant Stevenson, Robert Burns Memorial, 1906. © Pam Nelson
703 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB, Canada
Alternate title: 
Monument commémoratif Robert Burns
Artwork creator(s): 
Grant Stevenson, William
Text author(s): 
Burns, Robert
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

East of Beaverbrook Art Gallery


Sculpture of Robert Burns on a pedestal

Text of the artwork: 

A poet peasant born
Who more of fames immortal dower
unto his country brings
than all her kings

Text theme: 
Excerpt from the works of Robert Burns
Artwork theme: 
Tribute to the Scottish poet

In 1903, national pride spurred the Fredericton Society of Saint Andrew to seek subscription across New Brunswick for the erection of a suitable monument to Burns. In 1906, the Burns Memorial Monument was unveiled in front of an assembly of 5,000 people.

City of Fredericton