Public Artwork


Ivan Jurakic, Spell, 2004
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, 18 Carnegie Lane , Grimsby, ON, L3M 1Y1, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Jurakic, Ivan
Text author(s): 
Jurakic, Ivan
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Shared entrance to the Grimsby Public Library and the Art Gallery


Spell marks the shared entrance to the Grimsby Public Library and Art Gallery with a selection of one-of-a-kind magnetic poetry, featuring a text that was digitally processed from the handwriting of the artist and lasercut in magnetic signage vinyl.

Text of the artwork: 

Looking, one may never find

Wanting, one may never know

Text theme: 
19th century idealizations of both libraries and art galleries as places for contemplation and discovery
Artwork theme: 
Language, art, writing
Foreword, Sept.-Nov. 2004, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby Grimsby Public Art Gallery collection
Event date(s): 

Ivan Jurakic installed two lines of prosaic text onto the entrance way to the gallery: "Looking, one may never find/Wanting, one may never know". His piece, entitled Spell, examines the idea of a quest or search, particularly relevant to the person’s reason for entering the gallery/library space. His work suggests entering as an act of faith that one should come to with an open mind. While inside the space, one may discover things that were unlooked for or unexpected but invaluable.


The Tree Museum (2008). The Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28, 2007. What Is Place, Doe Lake, Muskoka : The Tree Museum, p.37

Grimsby Public Art Gallery