Public Artwork

The Name of the Tree

The Name of the Tree
Grimsby Public Art Gallery, 18 Carnegie Lane, Grimsby, ON, L3M 1Y1, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Frank, Simon
Text author(s): 
Frank, Simon
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Each of the three artworks of the exhibition is located in front of the building


The Name of the Tree is a story written directly onto the leaves of a tree.

Artwork theme: 
Autobiography, nature, creation myth

Foreword, Sept-Nov. 2004, Grimsby Public Art Gallery, Grimsby.

"[Frank Simon's] piece The Name of the Tree will be a story written directly onto the leaves of the tree. Many people will see only glimpses of the story, and once autumn arrives, his story will fall to the ground and be blown away. Frank invites people to interact with him during the process – to talk, ask questions and perhaps to share their own stories with him." (excerpts from the Foreword to the artist’s statement)


Foreword. Simon Frank, Ivan Jurakic, Tor Lukasic Foss. September 26-November 30, 2004. The Grimsby Public Art Gallery

Kilgour, Laurie (2004).  Foreword. Simon Frank, Ivan Jurakic, Tor Lukasic Foss. September 26-November 30, 2004. The Grimsby Public Art Gallery. Grimsby : Grimsby Public Art Gallery