Public Artwork

Tree of Knowledge, fragments

Nancy Chew  & Jacqueline Metz, Tree of Knowledge, fragments, 2008
Nancy Chew  & Jacqueline Metz, Tree of Knowledge, fragments, 2008
Nancy Chew  & Jacqueline Metz, Tree of Knowledge, fragments, 2008
North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th Street, North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Chew, Nancy; Metz, Jacqueline
Text author(s): 
Various: Salinger, Jerome David; Aristotle
Installation year: 

Engraved images carved into bluestone suggest fragments of a magnificent tree, shadows of the Tree of Knowledge. Dappled amongst the imagery are literary quotes personally selected by library donors. Each piece contributes to the whole, while remaining individual.

Text of the artwork: 


The woman I am
Is not what you see
Move over love
Make room for me


The energy of the mind is the essence of life
Aristotle (selected by Sophie, Tony, Sienna Salcito)


I'm quite illiterate, but I read a lot
J.D. Salinger (selected by Michael Mok)

Text theme: 
Artwork theme: 

The imprint of the community on the plaza

North Vancouver City Library