Public Artwork


Eduardo Aquino, Johanne Sloan &  Kathryn Walter, Untitled, 1996. © Concordia Uni
Eduardo Aquino, Johanne Sloan &  Kathryn Walter, Sans Titre, 1996
Eduardo Aquino, Johanne Sloan &  Kathryn Walter, Sans Titre, 1996
Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Montréal, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Aquino, Eduardo; Sloan, Johanne; Walter, Kathryn
Text author(s): 
Aquino, Eduardo; Sloan, Johanne; Walter, Kathryn
The family of defun
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

In the lobby of Henry F. Hall Building

4 structures used as tables. Engraved text appears on top.
Text of the artwork: 


Qui tacet consentit - Aaron Saber

Matthew Douglass

Michael Hogben

Phoivos Ziogas

Text theme: 
Working together with the families of the victims, it was agreed to engrave the victims’ names along with quotations that their loved ones felt captured the essence of their lives.
Artwork theme: 

This site-specific installation was dedicated to the memories of Professors Matthew Douglass, Michael Hogben, Aaron Saber and Phoivos Ziogas who were killed in the Fabrikant Shooting in the building, on August 24, 1992.

The use of  stone, metal, light and greenery in various juxtapositions sharply penetrates the public space yet invites interaction and assembly. Students who congregate and study in this area become part of a living memorial.


All three artists are affiliated with Concordia, Aquino is an artist-architect, Sloan is an art historian and critic, and Walter is a visual artist.

Concordia University