Public Artwork


École Du Val-Joli, 1735 boulevard Pie XI Nord, Québec, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Royer, Claude
Text author(s): 
Royer, Claude
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

One of the paintings is located in the library, the other in the locker room on the first floor and the third in the locker room on the second floor.


Triptych consisting of three paintings, including one collage painting. On a wall of the library, the first painting incorporates 38 Reader's Digest books placed in a row on the right, while 4 silhouettes of tightrope walkers are painted on the left. In the first floor locker room, the second painting represents white silhouettes on a striped background. In the second floor locker room, the third painting represents silhouettes of characters that have been cut out into the canvas. The canvas is painted white and features a screen.

Text of the artwork: 

(38 Reader's Digest books)

Text theme: 
Artwork theme: 


Commission scolaire de la Capitale; École Du Val-Joli