Public Artwork

Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire (Progeria Longaevus)

Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994
Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994
Richard Purdy, Voyages des quatre saisons d’un homme millénaire, 1994
Centre hospitalier de Lachine, 650 16th Avenue, Lachine, QC, H8S 3N5, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Text author(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

The work is divided into five sections: in the lobby (two triangular displays), on the floor facing the elevator doors (nine boxes).


The sculpture consists of a drawing depicting the life of a one thousand year-old man,  born in Venice in 992.

Text of the artwork: 

The piece tells the story of a disease presenting symptoms of extraordinary health. It is the tale of a man born in Venice in 992, who lives for a thousand years and who will die after traveling through history, centuries and continents.

Artwork theme: 
