Public Artwork


Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999
Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999. ©  Marc André Brouillette
Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999
Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999. ©  Marc André Brouillette
Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999. ©  Marc André Brouillette
Micah Lexier, Wins/Losses/Ties, 1999
Air Canada Centre, 40 Bay street, Toronto, ON, M5J 2X2, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Lexier, Micah
Text author(s): 
Lexier, Micah
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Located outdoors over the East entrance (Bay Street entrance) of The Air Canada Center. Easily viewed.


Each of the 67 seasons played by the Maple Leafs at the Gardens is represented by three stainless steel columns depicting wins, losses and ties. These 201 columns are grouped by decade and extend down from the ceiling for a length which is proportional to the related statistic. Below each grouping of columns there is a corresponding inlaid granite floor tablet which provides additional statistical information.


• Commissioned by Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Limited & Air Canada, for the Air Canada Center in Toronto.


• Permanently installed in 1999. At the Air Canada Center in Toronto ever since.


December 16, 1998. Public Art pieces unveiled at the Air Canada Centre; media availability with artists John McEwen, sculptor of the steel conical work titled Search Light, Star Light, Spot Light, and Micah Lexier, sculptor of Wins, Losses and Ties, a hanging sculpture that chronicles the Maple Leafs' 67-year history.


Wins/Losses/Ties: A sculpture depicting the statistical record of the Toronto Maples for the sixty seven seasons played entirely at Maple Leaf Gardens


Budget: $370,000


Wins/Losses/Ties is located at the Bay Street entrance to the Air Canada Centre in Toronto and is a three dimensional, physical manifestation of the statistics of the Toronto Maple Leafs during their tenure at Maple Leaf Gardens.

Maple Leaf Sports; Entertainment Limited & Air Canada
Brook, Brisbin; Beynon Architects