Public Artwork

You Are Here

Peter G. Dykhuis, You Are Here, 2005
Peter G. Dykhuis, You Are Here, 2005
Peter G. Dykhuis, You Are Here, 2005
Peter G. Dykhuis, You Are Here, 2005
Halifax Port, Pier 22, Halifax, NS, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Dykhuis, Peter G.
Text author(s): 
Dykhuis, Peter G.
Installation year: 

Used envelopes are the foundation of a map of Halifax Harbor.

Artwork theme: 
Addressed to the artist at either home or work
The artwork was also presented in 2006 during the Paper Maps exhibition, Red Head Gallery, Toronto, Ontario  

Since all envelopes were addressed to the artist at either home or work, a complex network of relationships is revealed that fuse personal, professional, economic and social layers of interaction. The graphic format, however, questions how knowledge, information and lived experience can be conflated into a simple map format.