Williams, Blake
(2009). Public Art : Bruce Eriksen Place.
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(2009). Chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges.
<http://www.urban-soland.com/> : Atelier Urban Soland à Montréal: Design urbain
(2009). Poetry on ETS.
<http://www.edmonton.ca/transportation/ets/about_ets/poetry-on-ets.aspx> : The City of Edmonton
Delos Reyes, Jen
(2009). City Blocks.
<http://jendelosreyes.com/city-blocks> : Jen Delos Reys webpage
(2009). Billboard Project: Hadley + Maxwell. June 15-September 1, 2009. The Metal Drummer and the Walldog.
<http://www.akagallery.org/archives/2009/h+m.html> : AKA Gallery
Delos Reyes, Jen
(2009). Projects. We Are Here For You.
<http://jendelosreyes.com/we-are-here-for-you> : Jen Delos Reyes
Delos Reyes, Jen
(2009). Projects. Ribbons and Rings.
<http://jendelosreyes.com/ribbons-and-rings> : Jen Delos Reyes webpage
Lisse, Michel
(2009). Vérité de la démocratie: appelez Nietzsche 68-08.
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(2009). Promenade Littéraire.
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Laurence, Robin
(2009). Antonia Hirsch : Anthropometrics/Double Blind.
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Pollock, Ann
(2009). La réciprocité : interface sociale et art public.
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Korpan, Sandra
(2009). Art for art's sake.
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(2009). CACC Profil de l'artiste Raphaëlle de Groot.
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Moser, Gabrielle
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Carson, Andrea
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Fung, Amy
(2009). Prairie Artsters: Where’s the Here?.
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Lexier, Micah
(2009). Here Now or Nowhere - Exhibition.
<http://www.herenowornowhere.com/exhibition.html> : The Prairie Art Gallery
(2009). Artwork : Lookout.
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Purdy, Richard
(2009). Richard Purdy- art public 2000-2009.
Steil, John, Aileen Stalker
(2009). Public Art in Vancouver. Angels Among Lions.
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(2009). Public Art in the City.
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Griffin, Kevin
(2009). Public art in Vancouver: What's in a name? A heck of a lot, actually.
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Langevin, Éric
(2009). Une oeuvre qui rend hommage aux créateurs d'ici.
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Carter Flinn, Sue
(2009). Matt Robinson gets poetric in Grand Parade.
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Kroeger, Monique
(2010). We 2008 : Sculpture de lumière.
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(2010). Vancouver Biennale announces Jaume Plensa's new work entitled We.
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(2010). Vancouver Biennale: We.
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Appelbe, Alison
(2010). "Mapping and Marking" public art program.
Espace. 92 (Été - Summer) , p. 38-40
(2010). American Artist Barbara Kruger to Appropriate AGO Façade.
<http://www.ago.net/american-artist-barbara-kruger-to-appropriate-ago-facade> : Art Gallery of Ontario
(2010). Barbara Kruger - Scotiabank CONTACT.
<http://www.scotiabankcontactphoto.com/public-installations/185> : CONTACT Photography Festival
Balzer, David
(2010). Making a statement.
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Whyte, Murray
(2010). AGO paid to be wrapped in advertising.
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Sandals, Leah
(2010). Questions & Artists: American artist Barbara Kruger shakes things up on the AGO's façade.
<http://www.nationalpost.com/arts/story.html?id=2962693>(April 28) : National Post
(2010). Table-ronde - Exposition “Architectures en vers” à la Grande Bibliothèque.
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(2010). Architecture en vers exhibition at Montreal's Grande Bibliothèque.
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(2010). Architectures en vers, présentée dans le cadre de Montréal, ville de verre 2010.
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