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(2009). City Blocks.
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(2009). Projects. We Are Here For You.
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Delos Reyes, Jen
(2009). Projects. Ribbons and Rings.
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Lisse, Michel
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Pollock, Ann
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(2009). Everything is going to be alright.
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(2009). Monument for East Vancouver.
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Nepveu, Pierre
(2009). La femme qui dort dans le métro.
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(2009). Le Circuit littéraire.
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(2009). LinguaAqua.
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(2008). Riverfront park with a view and poetry, too.
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(2008). Sur les traces de Gabrielle Roy.
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(2008). Mozus. De l'art public au parc de la Paix.
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(2008). Pierre Leblanc ''Tête de caboche''.
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Quigley, Warren
(2008). Projects. Third Garden.
<http://www.warrenquigley.com/public_commisions.html > : Warren Quigley
(2008). The Assembly Hall. Lakeshore’s Community Cultural Center.
<http://www.toronto.ca/culture/assembly_hall.htm> : City of Toronto, Arts Heritage & Culture
Quigley, Warren
(2008). Projects. When the Forest Moves.
<http://www.warrenquigley.com/projects.html > : Warren Quigley
Quigley, Warren
(2008). Warren Quigley. When the Forest Moves.
<http://www.torontosculpturegarden.com/WarrenQuigley.htm > : Toronto Sculpture Garden
Woodcock, Laurel
(2008). Wish you were here³.
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Anholt, Jill
(2008). Projects. Uncoverings.
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(2008). CAFKA 02. Power To The People. Simon Frank. (Hamilton, ON).
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(2008). The Tree Museum. The Tenth Annual Exhibition. September 16 to October 28, 2007. What Is Place.
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