Œuvre d'art public


Scotia Plaza, 40 King Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Fernandes, Michael
Text author(s): 
Public; Fernandes, Michael
Installation year: 

Grand tableau noir où les gens sont invités à inscrire avec une craie leur réflexion personnelle à 11 questions : What are you up to? Who are you? What do you miss? What do you want? What did you do? What will you be? What are your plans? What are you missing? What has happened? Where have you been? Where are you heading?

Text of the artwork: 

What are you up to? Who are you? What do you miss? What do you want? What did you do? What will you be? What are your plans? What are you missing? What has happened? Where have you been? Where are you heading?


Réponse du public 

Text theme: 
La vie, réflexion personnelle, être dans l’instant présent
Artwork theme: 

La vie, expérience personnelle
