PLEPUC.ORG is a Web site dedicated to the relation between literature and public space.
It contains a bilingual (French-English) database which covers over 600 Canadian literary works. It also constitutes one of the first online reference tools to offer a global portrait of this original literary output.
Through this database, users can easily obtain information about these literary works and examine the diverse literary practices present in public spaces and public artwork in Canada.
A reference tool, a thinking tool and a creative tool, PLEPUC.ORG aims to:
• Contribute to the knowledge about the relation between various literary forms and their inclusion in public space
• Encourage the creation of literary works by organizing multidisciplinary workshops that aspire to renew the connection between people and literature
• Publish information, articles and studies that can stimulate thought about the artistic, aesthetic, social and urban issues
surrounding this subject.
PLEPUC.ORG was created by the Présences du littéraire dans l’espace public canadien research group, headed by Marc André Brouillette, author and professor at the Département d'études littéraires of the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).