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Eddie, Marie-Hélène (2007).  Saint-Antoine dévoile le monument Louis-J.-Robichaud, CapAcadie. CapAcadie. (13 août)
Edmonton (2009).  Poetry on ETS. <> : The City of Edmonton
Eecloo, Robin, Hennie L. Wolff (1987).  Sans Démarcation. Toronto : Visual Arts Ontario, p. 36
Eichhorn, Virginia, Ernest(éd) Daetwyler (2003).  CAFKA. 03: Probing into the distance. Kitchener : CAFKA Contemporary Art Forum Kitchener and Area, p. 86
Esquimalt (2008).  Public Art. <> : Township Esquimalt : Culture & Heritage
Eyland, Cliff (2002).  Germaine Koh: Around About. Plug-In Institute of Contemporary Art. Winnipeg : Gallery One One One