Public Artwork

All That Has Value

Ron Benner, All That Has Value,1993
Ron Benner, All That Has Value,1993
Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Benner, Ron
Text author(s): 
Benner, Ron
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Garden installation


Garden installation: black and white photographs with text

Text of the artwork: 

«…all that has value was then counted as nothing »

Text theme: 
1.Quote («…all that has value was then counted as nothing.»): MSS Anónimo de Tlatelolco in Mengin (éd.), «Native Chronicles of the Conquest» dans Corpus Codicum Americanorium Medii Aevi, 1. Fol. 33 2. Names of plantes: J.C. Th. Uphof (economic Botanist to the Board of Economic Warfare, Washington, D.C.,), Dictionary of Economic Plants, Lehre (West Germany): J. Cramer Publishers, 1968.
Artwork theme: 
Genetically modified organisms, nature, conquest of America, plants of America.

1. Currently installed at the Grosvenor Lodge, London (Ontario).


2. Exposition "To Eat or Not to Eat," Centro del Arte de Salamanca, CASA, Salamanca, Spain, 2002. (Spanish version).


3. Exhibition: "All That Has Value," Covent Garden Market, London, ON, 1998. (Group Exhibition)


4. "All That Has Value," traveling exhibition organized by McIntosh Gallery, London, ON, 1995-1996: McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario and Covent Garden Market, London, ON; Edmonton Art Gallery (now the Art Gallery of Alberta), Edmonton, AB; Presentation: House Gallery, Vancouver, BC, April 6-May 12, 1996; Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, SK (Commissioner Peter White).


5. Exhibition: "All That Has Value," McIntosh Gallery, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, 1995.


6. Covent Garden Market receiving dock, London, ON, 1993-1994. (Billboard installation. Crazon Vinyl lettering on board. 244x610 cm).


7. Harbourfront, Toronto, ON, 1993 to 1995 or 2003. (Installed with a garden of plants of the Americas, Queens Quay, every summer).


All That Has Value was dismantled from the Harbourfront location in 2003 and relocated to Grosvenor Lodge Heritage Museum in London, Ontario in 2004, where it currently continues to thrive.

Benner’s garden was one of those that Harbourfront Centre chose to keep in place for more than a single year. This allowed the addition, two years after the initial installation, of a 4’ x 4’ b/w photo mural, originally used in American Cloisonné (1987-1988).


Ron Benner (collection of the artist)

An Answer to a Question." So, To Speak

Benner, Ron (1999).  An Answer to a Question." So, To Speak. <> So, To Speak. : Axtexte

Comer o no comer : o las relaciones del arte con la comida en el siglo XX (To Eat Or Not To Eat […])

Corbeira, Dario, Carlos Jimenez, Eugeni Bonet (2002).  Comer o no comer : o las relaciones del arte con la comida en el siglo XX (To Eat Or Not To Eat […]). Salamanca : Consorcio Salamanca, p. 532

Comer o no comer (To Eat or Not to Eat)

Olmo, Santiago B. (2003).  Comer o no comer (To Eat or Not to Eat). Art Nexus. vol. 2, no. 149-151 (June-August)  : Centro de Arte de Salamanca

All That Has Value

Matayas, Joe (1995).  All That Has Value. London (ON) : London Free Press

Ron Benner : All That Value

Mooney, Patrick Roy, Peter White, Arlene Kennedy (1995).  Ron Benner : All That Value. London (ON) : McIntosh Art Gallery, University of Western Ontario, p. 64

Ron Benner: Trans/mission

Patton, Andy (2003).  Ron Benner: Trans/mission. Saint-Hyacinthe : Expression, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe