Public Artwork

Improving your View of the World…Virtual Reality-Vision for the Brave New World Order

Christine Burchnall, Improving your View of the World, 1991
Windsor Fine Art Museum, 401 Riverside Drive West , Windsor, ON, N9A 7J1 , Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Burchnall, Christine
Text author(s): 
Burchnall, Christine
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

Gallery of the Windsor Fine Arts Museum (first two weeks); wall of a building downtown (in the third week of the exhibition).


Photographic image on a billboard

Text of the artwork: 

Improving your View of the World…


AEGIS                   DCA                       INTELSAT                            NASA                    SANDIA

AFSATCOM        DISCOVERY        INTERCEPTOR                   NATO                    SCOPELIGHT

AT&T BELL          ELINT                    IONDS                                NEC                       SEAM

ABTM                   ERCS                     ITT                                         NIGHTWATCH   SENTINEL

ARGONNE          ERIS                       LANTIRN                             NORAD                                SDIO

AWACS                                EXCALIBUR         LITTON                                                NORELCO            SIGINT

BLUE EAGLE       F-15                       LIVERMORE                       NUDET                                 SIEMANS

BMEWS               FEMA                   LOCKHEED                          NUWEP               SIOP

BOEING               GALOSH ABM   LOOKING GLASS              PD-59                   SPARTAN

BROOKHAVEN GEDI II                  MAD                                     PERSHING II       SPRINT

C-31                      GEMINI               MARINER                           PFIAB                   SMART

CIA                        HEDI                      MIDAS                                 REDCOM             SS-20

COMINT              HERTZ                   MIDGETMAN                    ROCKWELL INT                 TELINT

CRUISE                                HOE                       MILSTAR                             RV                          TITAN

DAEDALUS         HONEYWELL      MINUTEMAN                   SAC                       TRIDENT

DARPA                                 IBM                       MIRACL                               SAGE                    WESTINGHOUSE

DEFCON              ICBM                    MRV                                     SAM-12               WISC

DEW                      INSCOM              MX                                        SAMOS                                WWMCCS          


Text theme: 
List of acronyms used to designate weapons, equipment and other organizations related to new technologies
Artwork theme: 

Virtual reality, new technologies that shape our world view


Installation at the University of Windsor. The contract between the university and Artcite was canceled three days before the opening. The artwork was temporarily installed in a gallery at the Windsor Museum of Fine Arts (the first two weeks of the exhibition). It was then moved downtown on the wall of a building until the end of the exhibition.

Event: In Control, billboard project by artists, organized by ARTCITE, Windsor, ON.
Commissioner: Lorenzo Buj.

Event date(s): 

In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario

Cronin, Ray (1991).  In Control. Various Locations. Windsor, Ontario. Fuse Magazine . vol. 15, no. 1/2, p. 56

Sites of New Tradition: Temporary Public Art in Windsor

Cronin, Ray (1992).  Sites of New Tradition: Temporary Public Art in Windsor. Parallélogramme. vol. 17, no. 3, p. 40-47

In Control

Buj, Lorenzo (1991).  In Control. Windsor : Artcite, p. 30

Billboard. Art on the Road. A Retrospective Exhibition of Artists' Billboard of the Last 30 Years

Heon, Laura Stewart, Peggy Diggs, Dorin Lisa (1999).  Billboard. Art on the Road. A Retrospective Exhibition of Artists' Billboard of the Last 30 Years. Cambridge : MIT Press; North Adams, p. 106