Public Artwork

Fortune’s Folly

Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008
Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008
Holly Newman, Fortune’s Folly, 2008
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Text author(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 

Text and objects are hung around a tree.

Text of the artwork: 

Gather roses while ye may,

before the frightful winter

fades her promises away.


Grab tightly

this little green glimmer of hope,

perhaps today's the day

when luck should come your way.


Four and forty blue birds

nestled in this tree,

above the rattle of traffic

songs of happiness

for one and all to hear.


Hidden by the city lights

stars still chance to shine.

Alas, now's the time

wish, wish, wish.


(ode to a dandelion)

Oh little yellow flower

why so sad,

surely someone knows

your beauty to be had?


A warm round stone

held in the left hand

brings the promise

of a new found love,

or so I have heard.


The simple white daisy is not

a fortune-teller as claimed

for he may love you

or he may not.

How could she know

something he does not.


Fairy rings circle my lawn

with promises concerning

a land of magical potential.


A white butterfly,

like a changeling in the night

knows not the promises

that keep her secret safe.


A jar sits on my stoop,

gathering more dust

than moonbeams

but one day,

I'll be better off

than I am.


A rabbit wandered in my garden

brushing the bushes with

a bit of soft-footed luckiness.


A few crumbs of bread

help pass the time,

while the wily crow

gathers her promised

tale of darkness.

Artwork theme: 
Nature, wildlife

"The text became of greater importance, reflecting a subtle and somewhat ironic tone for the project. I realize that this project comes very close to the line of 'writer' but I must emphasize that I strongly see my work as a visual product, the material and placement in the urban landscape is crucial to understanding my motivation. Placing these works in the streets, inviting the passerby to become an incidental viewer strongly colors the text."


- From a conservation with the artist, April 2009

Holly Newman