Public Artwork

Star Power Series

Adrian Göllner, Star Power Series, 2002
Kitchener, Kitchener, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Text author(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Installation year: 

Poster featuring a red star and a propaganda message

Text of the artwork: 

Power at Home

Artwork theme: 

The line between propaganda and advertising is a thin one. Star Power presents the viewer with a series of ads that mix communist iconography and images of hydro electricity. Bold and visually stopping, the images further confuse the question of who is in control of electrical power in Ontario: Is it some far left consortium, or is a company simply borrowing the radical chic of Soviet design as part of an ad campaign? Plastered onto construction boarding in downtown Kitchener, the origin and intent of the images remained elusive.


The Star Power Series was presented as part of CAFKA (Contemporary Art Forum - Kitchener), September 21-29, 2002. The theme of the 2002 Forum was Power to the People.

Event date(s): 

Causeries et Discussions sur l’art : Entre artistes/Artists’ presentations and discussions : Artist-to-Artis

Busby, Cathy (2003).  Causeries et Discussions sur l’art : Entre artistes/Artists’ presentations and discussions : Artist-to-Artis. Ottawa : Galerie d’art d’Ottawa

Fall Cultural Guide 2002. City Overtaken by Art. Creative Power in Downtown Kitchene

Michaels, Noel (2002).  Fall Cultural Guide 2002. City Overtaken by Art. Creative Power in Downtown Kitchene. Echo, the Tri-City’s Weekly Alternative, Kitchener. (September 19)