Psychoanalyst, writer, curator, professor and director of Research Chair on Contemporary Subjectivity at Catholic University of São Paulo. She graduated in Sociology and Philosophy (Paris 8) & in Clinical Human Sciences (Paris 7), obtaining master and doctoral degrees (1970-1979). Ph.D. in Social Psychology at PUC-SP, Brazil, her research is on micropolitics, from a transdisciplinary theoretical perspective and clinical-political pragmatics, privileging art as a field of activity. She authored A hora da Micropolítica (N-1, 2016); Archive mania, Serie 100 Notes -- 100 Thoughts No. 022 (HatjCantz /Documenta 13, 2011); Cartografia Sentimental. Transformações contemporâneas do desejo (Sulinas 1989; 7th ed. 2015) and with Félix Guattari: Micropolítica. Cartografias do desejo (Vozes, 1986, 13th ed. 2016), published in eight countries (in English by Semiotext/MIT, 2006, title: Molecular Revolution in Brazil). Creator of Archive for a work-event. Project of activation of the body memory of Lygia Clark's artistic propositions and their context (65 film interviews; 2002-2011). She worked on the translation to Portuguese of Deleuze and Guattari's, Mille Plateaux (Ed. 34, 1997).