The OIC is the key project of the research center Figura, the RADICAL program and the NT2. It has been developped by Figura UQAM, Figura Concordia, NT2 UQAM, NT2 Concordia et NT2 UQAC.
Scientific Committee:
Bertrand Gervais. Director, NT2 UQAM
Véronique Cnockaert. Director, Figura UQAM
Geneviève Sicotte. Director, Figura Concordia
Philippe St-Germain. Philosophy teacher, Ahunstic College
Research Team:
Sarah Grenier-Millette. Program Officer - (514 987 3000 ext. 1605)
Robin Varenas & Sylvain Aubé. Development of the website / Technical coordination
Jasmin Cormier. Research Associate
The recordings and the live streaming are ensured by Jasmin Cormier and Sarah Grenier-Millette.