Catholic University of São Paulo

Rolnik, Suely

Psychoanalyst, writer, curator, professor and director of Research Chair on Contemporary Subjectivity at Catholic University of São Paulo. She graduated in Sociology and Philosophy (Paris 8) & in Clinical Human Sciences (Paris 7), obtaining master and doctoral degrees (1970-1979). Ph.D. in Social Psychology at PUC-SP, Brazil, her research is on micropolitics, from a transdisciplinary theoretical perspective and clinical-political pragmatics, privileging art as a field of activity. She authored A hora da Micropolítica (N-1, 2016);  Archive mania, Serie 100 Notes -- 100 Thoughts No. 022 (HatjCantz /Documenta 13, 2011); Cartografia Sentimental. Transformações contemporâneas do desejo (Sulinas 1989; 7th ed. 2015) and with Félix Guattari: Micropolítica. Cartografias do desejo (Vozes, 1986, 13th ed. 2016),  published in eight countries (in English by Semiotext/MIT, 2006, title: Molecular Revolution in Brazil). Creator of Archive for a work-event. Project of activation of the body memory of Lygia Clark's artistic propositions and their context (65 film interviews; 2002-2011).  She worked on the translation to Portuguese of Deleuze and Guattari's, Mille Plateaux (Ed. 34, 1997).

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