
Demoiselle en détresse. Le modèle érotique préféré de la culture populaire hébraïque

Examiner la trajectoire des modèles érotiques les plus prisés dans la littérature populaire, y compris les romans de gare, d’une culture qui, pour des raisons exposées par ailleurs, a agrémenté l’image du «sabra puritain» donne un point de vue privilégié tant sur la littérature de grande diffusion (mainstream) que sur la littérature subversive. Le principal objectif du présent article consiste à examiner l’apport de trois manifestations du modèle de la demoiselle en détresse à la littérature populaire israélienne des années 1940 à la fin des années 1960.
Azoulay, Ariella

As with Optical Illusions, an Extended Gaze at the Drawing Extricates It from Its Frozen State: On Aïm Deülle Lüski's Exhibition "The Principle of the Least Action"

If I could choose a recipient of a lifetime achievement award in photography, my choice would be Aïm Deüelle Lüski. My reason would be simple, direct, and matter-of-fact: he has dared to deconstruct the mono-focal camera that has been institutionalized ever since the onset of photography, and he has constructed a repertoire of alternative devices that transgress existing configurations of power and control relations, such as the one between the active photographer and the passive photographed person.

Photographie et pouvoir d'État: la création d'un état de guerre

When Jean Baudrillard wrote The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1991) many claimed he had dishonored the memory of those who had fought and died in the Gulf conflict. Others simply dismissed the work as eccentric. After the initial shock wore off, however, many began to recognize the breakthrough that the text marked and the possibilities it opened for rethinking war and its contribution to political economy.

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