Public Artwork

Arbre de mai

Claudine Cotton, Arbre de mai, 1994. © Véronique Villeneuve
Claudine Cotton, Arbre de mai, 1994. © Véronique Villeneuve
Foyer Culturel Saint-David-de-Falardeau, 124 boul. Saint-David, Saint-David-de-Falardeau, QC, G0V 1C0, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Cotton, Claudine
Text author(s): 
Cotton, Claudine
Installation year: 

This installation was inspired by the forestry vocation of the village, as well as the secular tradition of planting a tree decorated with ribbons in front of the door of a person we wish to honour or just to celebrate. In this case, the celebration is associated with the pleasure of reading and it is the column that is covered with braided paper strips that evoke both a book's spine and lined paper. Texts by four regional authors are printed on these strips. The colour of the letters are bright as a feast day and are a reflection of the seasonal cycle.

Text of the artwork: 

Texts by four writers from the region

Text theme: 
Literature, celebrations
Artwork theme: 
Nature, Literature