Public Artwork
De l’autre côté de Brenda
This on-site intervention is linked to the space it occupies, both in its physical and symbolic dimensions. More specifically, this link is manifest in the use of materials, which recall those used in the construction of the building, and in the presence of characteristics of the site, such as light and transparency. The artwork also integrates the geographical and social environment by presenting images of the Zoo de Saint-Félicien. Lastly, the theme evokes literature by using a quote from Alice in Wonderland where the caterpillar interrogates Alice about who she is.
Alice in Wonderland
Me changer plusieurs fois depuis ce moment-là.
Que veux-tu dire par là ?
Je crains de ne pas pouvoir m’expliquer, madame, parce que je ne suis pas moi, voyez-vous !
This piece of text aims to question us about our reality, about the transformations that we frequently experience when interacting with new people, new places and new situations.