Public Artwork

Double Blind

Antonia (Katharina) Hirsch, Double blind, 2008
Antonia (Katharina) Hirsch, Double blind, 2008
Vancouver Community College, 100 W 49th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1A1‎, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Hirsch, Antonia (Katharina)
Text author(s): 
Hirsch, Antonia (Katharina)
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

In the atrium of the North building on the Broadway Campus


Convex, mirrored acrylic domes lay on a concrete wall spanning four stories and spelling out a "Snellen eye chart"—that familiar series of letters that many of us recognize from routine eye exams—as enormous braille letters. It is an "eye chart for the blind".  A plaque next to the sculpture explains in braille the concept behind the work.

Text theme: 
Snellen eye chart
Artwork theme: 

Cultural exclusion of the blind; power associated with sight and surveillance


5 m

Double Blind is a large-scale sculptural installation commissioned for the atrium of the new Vancouver Community College’s Broadway Campus building. Double Blind is accompanied by a T-shirt that is available at the VCC Broadway Campus Bookstore. The T-shirt echoes the installation’s oxymoronic premise: those who can see the work likely don’t read braille, and those who read braille probably cannot see the work. Double Blind was created as part of the City of Vancouver’s Public Art Program.


Antonia Hirsch : Anthropometrics/Double Blind

Laurence, Robin (2009).  Antonia Hirsch : Anthropometrics/Double Blind. <> (7-14 may) ((May 7-14))  : The Georgia Straight