Public Artwork

Hommage à Mihai Eminescu 1850-1889, poète national roumain

Vasile Gorduz, Hommage à Mihai Eminescu, 2004
Vasile Gorduz, Hommage à Mihai Eminescu, 2004
Devonshire Park/Place de Roumanie, At the corner Sewell and Roy St. West, Montréal, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Gorduz, Vasile
Text author(s): 
Eminescu, Mihai
Installation year: 

Statue of the poet Mihai Eminescu with a plaque on the ground featuring a quote.

Text of the artwork: 

« Si éternellement jeune, enveloppé dans ma cape… »

Text theme: 
The poet Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), Romanian national poet
Artwork theme: 
Tribute to a Romanian poet
The work was inaugurated on September 18, 2004.
Ville de Montréal