Public Artwork

L’arbre de mots

L'arbre des mots, 1998
L'arbre des mots, 1998
Nicolet, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Chatillon, Pierre
Text author(s): 
Laviolette, Pierre; Aubert, Philippe de Gaspé; Gérin-Lajoie, Antoine; dit Chatillon, Octave H.; Fréchette, Louis-Honoré; Buies, Arthur; Poisson, Adolphe; Beauchemin, Nérée; de Nevers, Edmond; Gill, Charles; Désilets, Alphonse; Narrache, Jean; Béraud, Jean; L'Archevêque Duguay, Jeanne; Brien, Roger; de Grandmont, Éloi; Désilets, Guy; Leclerc, Gilles; de Vernal, François; Tougas, Gérald; Roy, Marcelle; Poulin, Jacques; Chatillon, Pierre; Yance, Claude-Emmanuelle; Caron, Louis; Leblanc, Louise; Fréchette, Jean-Marc; Jacob, Suzanne; Lamothe, Raymonde; Rousseau, Serge
Brassard, Sébastien; Brassard, Pierre (sculpture); Vigneault, Nicole (Drawings)
Installation year: 
Remarks on location: 

The park is located in a pinewood, near the Musée des religions du monde


On a wall of the museum, a mural of aluminum plates displays the names of thirty writers. A steel inkwell is installed near the wall.Lecterns are arranged along a trail. On these lecterns, aluminum plates display texts by some of the authors who names appear on the wall.

Sculptures are disseminated throughout the park. The first one represents a scene from the novel La mort rousse by Pierre Chatillon. Another represents Hyacinthe Bellerose, a character from the novel Le canard de bois by Louis Caron. The third represents Marguerite and Philédor Beausoleil, characters from the novel Philédor Beausoleil by Pierre Chatillon, and five small characters from Québec legends. The fourth represents Jos Violon and four elves, characters from Contes de Jos Violon by Louis Fréchette. The fifth illustrates the song Un Canadian errant by Antoine Gérin-Lajoie. The sixth is inspired by the story of Le Bonhomme Sept Heures, a novel by Louis Caron, represents the young hero seated at the foot of a steel pine that stands five meters tall. The seventh, the heart line, is inspired from a scene of L’enfance est une île, a short story by Pierre Chatillon. It represents a large woman's hand in the palm of which a small golden canoe is floating. Five drawings by Nicole Vigneault, illustrating short poems by Pierre Chatillon, appear on aluminum plates.

Text theme: 
Artwork theme: 



The park was founded on June 24, 1998. The first two sculptures were installed at the park's foundation. The other sculptures were installed in 1999, 2000 and 2004. The park was completed in 2004. The drawings by Nicole Vigneault appearing on the plates were donated to the park in 2001 by the Auberge champêtre Godefroy.