Public Artwork


Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
Institut National de Recherche Scientifique, Énergie et Matériau, 1650, montée Sainte-Julie, Varennes, QC, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Text author(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Boucher, Jean-Guy, Compagnie Preico Ltd (cooking glass)
Installation year: 

The artwork consists of three parts: a stained-glass window, a sculptural element and projectors. Natural light is filtered through three spaced-out blocks of primary colours (cyan, magenta and yellow). Their superimposition produces secondary colours. Letters of the alphabet and various symbols are scattered about, like particles in the galaxy. In the center of the room, a spiral steel tube, shaped like a human figure, carries a text written in liquid crystals. Depending on the intensity of the heat, the colour varies from blue to brown. Three primary colour projectors are installed in a niche, producing shadow play images.

Artwork theme: 

The universe


Projets, archives et documents

Goulet, Rose-Marie E. (2005).  Projets, archives et documents. Montréal : Centre de diffusion 3D, p. 78

Rose-Marie Goulet: Deux oeuvres d’art public / Rose-Marie Goulet: Two Public Art Works

[Anonymous] (1994).  Rose-Marie Goulet: Deux oeuvres d’art public / Rose-Marie Goulet: Two Public Art Works. Espace. no. 27 (Printemps - Spring) , p. 54-55