Public Artwork


Justin Wonnacott,  «voice…over»
Dovercourt Community Center, 411 Dovercourt Avenue, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Artwork creator(s): 
Wonnacott, Justin
Text author(s): 
Wonnacott, Justin

Computer-assembled photomontages, which blend layers of images and text together using the extended idea of community as the theme.

Text of the artwork: 

1. Photomontage 1:

ice storm of 1998.

2. Texte:


3. Photomontage 2:

old age, elderly people (underrepresented age group). Text: i will collect – small circles in air

4. Photomontage 3:

language. Text: mother tongue

5. Photomontage 4:

Community history, community identity over time. Text: history is what you want – words – deeds

6. Photomontage 5:

Text: becoming –was – I -- am


Voice over also (film?)


Order of photos uncertain (ignore numbers)


Commissioned by the Community Centre as part of a collaboration with the Dovercourt


Community Center and the city of Ottawa called «Artlink». Coincided with 10th anniversary of the opening of the new facility


Photos taken by staff and users of the centre. Text corresponds to comments and input from these people.