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The action, or an act, of reciprocal giving and receiving.


Rebecca Belmore & Osvaldo Yero, Freeze, 2006Rebecca Belmore & Osvaldo Yero, Freeze, 2006
Rebecca Belmore and Osvaldo Yero used ice to make a new artwork melt during the long sleepless night of the Nuit Blanche festival. A large block of ice signified a life-size form, the absent [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Belmore, Rebecca; Yero, Osvaldo
Installation year: 

My Hall of Fame

Mitch Robertson, My Hall of Fame, 2001
Mitch Robertson's installation comments on the practices of commemoration and merchandising that produce stars and celebrities – in both the hockey and aesthetic realms. He activates the museum’s s [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Robertson, Mitch
Installation year: 
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