Artworks list of Laquerre, Dominique

Les quatre éléments

Dominique Laquerre, Les quatre éléments, 1991. © Dominique LaquerreDominique Laquerre, Les quatre éléments, 1991. © Dominique Laquerre
The installation consists of paintings on wooden panels and a metallic structure. The paintings cover the upper part of four of the library's columns. They evoke the elements of nature - water, air, e [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Laquerre, Dominique
Installation year: 


Dominique Laquerre, Déplacements, 2002
Strip featuring five metallic discs with photographic details (reflection of trees in water, the sky), words borrowed from geographical maps and relief (compass dial). [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Laquerre, Dominique
Installation year: