Artworks list of Storey, Alan

Out Of Thin Air

Alan Storey, Out Of Thin Air, 2004Alan Storey, Out Of Thin Air, 2004
Out of Thin Air is a set of five interactive copper panels that respond to changes in time and passers-by. It is a highly imaginative, almost futuristic piece that employs, in part, a refrigeration un [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Storey, Alan


Alan Storey, Password, 1994. © Marc André BrouilletteAlan Storey, Password, 1994. © Marc André BrouilletteAlan Storey, Password, 1994. © Marc André Brouillette
Four sets of four letters rotate to form random words. The stainless letters are installed on the three exhaust vents from the underground parkade and spin with the air flow coming out of the exhaust [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Storey, Alan
Installation year: