Artwork identification
Third Garden is designed as a monument to local memory. This garden refers to the past use of the surrounding grounds as a healing site for psychiatric care, and to current day use as regenerated land, some of which has become a rehabilitated nature reserve. The installation integrates landscape design with sculptural elements to convey playful associations with psychiatric care (i.e. the couch and the serpent) and with the specific history of the site. The text in the pavers is based on oral and recorded histories of the former Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, rewritten in the tone of intimate journal entries from the point of view of patients, relatives, staff and local residents.
Chickens. Beautiful meals.
August 25, 1921
You should see our sea of cabbages!
June 30, 1932
Went out with the other patients to cut and rake the grass, pick strawberries form the garden between the Assembly Hall and the Nurses’ Residence. Got a good workout. Came in good and hungry. Tired. West straight to bed after our meal.
October 11, 1958
The gardens have been taken away from us. We can’t work in them anymore. Something about cheap labour.
December 3, 1959
We went to see him today. We sat in the car afterwards. My daughter said, ‘That’s my brother’ and I said, ‘That’s my son.’ It was a very sad time.
September 1, 1979
They’re closing the hospital soon. They loaded us up this morning. We’re being taken to a place we don’t know. Some cried.
There is something revelational about walking daily in a familiar place.
Local history, therapy (psychiatric) history and the sense of well-being conveyed by the scenery
Assembly Hall, Lakeshore grounds, South Etobicoke (Toronto), since 2002.
Land: 10,000 square feet
Path shoulder (covered with grass) surrounding the sculptures: variable height of 4 inches or 14 inches
Sculptures (concrete): 1 inch tall, 5 feet long, 2 feet wide
Sculptures (bronze): variable. Maximum height of 3 feet in length, from 3 to 6 feet, 18 inches in depth
The text simulates quotes. However, it is a fiction narrative, based on or rather inspired by historical documents and oral history of the former Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital.
The installation of this artwork was part of renovations of historic buildings and landscaping redevelopment in the city of Toronto.